
a Mystery Play for Holy Week by Mike Sparks

First performed by the Guild Players, Finchley Methodist Church, April 2009


Scenes 1, 3 & 4 - The living room of the Caiaphas Family in Jerusalem

Scenes 2 - Annas's room at the Temple

List of Characters


Wife (of Caiaphas)

Miriam (the Maid)




Percula (Pilate's wife)

Author's Note

This is the seventh in a series of short plays produced for performance as modern interpretations of medieval mystery plays.

The play is written so that the minimum of setting and costume is necessary. Although full costume could be used, the play will not fail if the cast dress in modern clothes, or in simple dark basic costumes with coloured additions to define particular characters.

There is no rule as to what music is appropriate. This is up to the director, having regard to the setting within which the piece is being performed and the facilities, players and musicians available.

The director is completely free to make whatever alterations to the text they deem necessary to suit the setting in which it is being performed.